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National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA)
College of Health Sciences


The Department of Communicative Disorders operates the Central Mississippi Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic to facilitate the clinical education of students in speech-language pathology, facilitate faculty-student research, and to provide services to person with speech, language, cognitive, swallowing and/or hearing disorders in Jackson and the surrounding counties.

National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association (NSSLHA)

NSSLHA (National Student Speech Language Hearing Association) is a student-run organization that focuses on communication sciences and disorders. This organization is available for all students who are interested in learning more about communication sciences. It also provides Communicative Disorder Majors and Minors to get the chance to meet one another and learn about being a Speech/Language Pathologist and Audiologist. NSSLHA is the only official student association that is recognized by the American Speech Language Hearing Association (ASHA). Membership is available at the local, state, and national levels. For more information about the state and national levels visit or


Jackson State University Chapters

There are two NSSLHA Chapters on the campus of Jackson State University.

NSSLHA JSU Undergraduate Chapter

  • Caters to the needs of those students enrolled in the B.S. and Post-Bac programs in Communicative Disorders at JSU

NSSLHA JSU Graduate Chapter

  • Caters to the needs of those students enrolled in the M.S. Program in Communicative Disorders at JSU

Each chapter is active on campus, and does community service, fundraising, and outreach.


Why join one of JSU’s NSSLHA Chapters?

  • To be a part of a local, state, and national organization.
  • To have a chance to meet other students and faculty in the Communicative Disorders department.
  • To get involved with campus activities
  • For opportunities for leadership as committee chairs or officers
  • To learn more about our field and department through tours, guest speakers at seminars and meetings, and a state convention.
  • To enjoy social picnics, pizza parties, games, and volunteer opportunities.
  • To help build your resume.
  • To have FUN and win prizes!

If you would like to contact our undergraduate chapter or join NSSLHA please e-mail the Chapter at or the Chapter Advisor, Ms. Whitney Perkins at or (601) 979-1433. 


If you are an alumni of the JSU CMD program and would like to purchase an alumni shirt, please use the following CMD Alumni Shirt order form to do so. 

2017-2018 Undergraduate Officers

2017-2018 Graduate Officers

Najla Muhammad – President

Ahbria Williams – President

Mickala Hodges – Vice-President

Anniston Owen – Vice-President

MyKela Croft – Secretary

Lillian Hines – Secretary

Whitney Fells – Treasurer

Ashland Johnson – Treasurer

Modesty Woodward – Historian

Michaela Banks – Historian

Najla Muhammad – SGA Representative

Committee Chairperson

Committee Chairperson

 – Service Chair

 – Service Chair

 – Scholarship Chair

    – Scholarship Chair

 – Fundraiser Chair

 – Fundraiser Chair

  – Public Relations Chair

 – Public Relations Chair

Undergraduate and Graduate Chapter Advisor

 Mrs. Whitney Perkins


Past Sponsored EventsWalk for Apraxia

Upcoming Events

Undergraduate Chapter

  • TBA

Graduate Chapter

  • TBA


Preparing Professionals
The mission of the Communicative Disorders program is to provide quality education to pre-professional and graduate students from diverse populations who are majoring in Communicative Disorders by offering educational experiences that require the application of knowledge of normal and abnormal communication, critical thinking, data analysis, the use of professional oral and written communication, and the infusion of technology, when possible, for the prevention, assessment and intervention of communication disorders


The program in graduate education will guide graduate students to: (a) acquire the knowledge and develop the skills, competencies and attitudes that are essential for the prevention, assessment and intervention of communicative disorders, and the safe, effective, and efficient practice of entry-level speech-language pathology, (b) develop the ability to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate data, and to conduct research, (c) provide professional and public service to local, state, national, and world communities, (d) continue their professional growth by exploring developments in the profession and learning new models of prevention, assessment and intervention, and (e) develop an understanding and appreciation of ethnic and cultural diversity on normal and disordered communication. 

“Challenging Minds, Changing Lives.”


Gain real-world experience expanding outside of the classroom. Learn how to succeed by facing real challenges within the community.


Communicative Disorders majors have a plethora of career options:

Speech Language Pathologist Behavior Technician Speech Pathologist Assistant Speech Therapist
Clinical Intake Specialist Medical Office Manager Residential Counselor Personal Care Assistant


The Department of Communicative Disorders at Jackson State University (JSU) operates the Central Mississippi Speech-Language and Hearing Clinic (CMSLHC). The CMSLHC provides prevention, assessment, and treatment services for adults and children with speech, language, and hearing disorders.

Want to learn more? Click below to view our clinic.



Student Success




Important Dates



For more information, please contact us at (601) 979-1143.  We look forward to meeting with you and seeing how our program can help you achieve your goals.



Jackson Medical Mall


(601) 979-1143